CHIMES ERA #1.1 vs άποτίλματα ομφαλόυ. benching #3 - l'ἀλήθεια : insolation bench.

Apotilmata Omphalou Knit#3:
Woolen Wings (from Panurge to Icarus, from Phaeton to Chrysomallos) par le mouton Glaucon.

Quotes, Sources, References, Footages & Other knitting pegs. :
Περὶ πολιτείας (livre VII & X), Πλάτων, -315.
Ἀργοναυτικά, Ἀπολλώνιος Ῥόδιος, -250.
Metamorphoseon libri, Publius Ovidius Naso, 1-10.
Codex Atlanticus, Leonardo da Vinci, 1478-1518.
Le Quart Livre, François Rabelais, 1552.
De humana physiognomonia, Giambattista della Porta, 1586.
Le Berger Extravagant, Charles Sorel, 1627.
De la recherche de la vérité, Nicolas Malebranche, 1964.
Traité de Physiognomonie, Charles Le Brun, 1746.
Physiognomischen Fragmente zur Beförderung der Menschenkenntnis und Menschenliebe, Johann Caspar Lavater, 1775-1778.
De la démocratie en Amérique, Alexis de Tocqueville, 1835.
Elpénor, Jean Giraudoux, 1919.
Vom Wesen der Wahrheit, Martin Heidegger, 1931-1932.
The Third Eye, Lobsang Rampa, 1956.
La Société du Spectacle, Guy Debord, 1967.
La Chambre Claire, Roland Barthes, 1980.
La Flamme d’une Chandelle, Gaston Bachelard, 1981.
Le mythe d'Icare : Traité du désespoir et de la béatitude, André Comte-Sponville, 1984.
Le Spectateur Émancipé, Jacques Rancière, 2008.

Sheep Wall, Coso Rock Art District, Rock Paintings, -10000.
Karnak Temple Complex (Luxor temple), -1500 - 1000.
Statue du dieu Khnoum, Egypte ancienne - Nouvel Empire, -1200 -1000.
Mixing vessel with Odysseus escaping from the Cyclops’s cave, Athens, Greece, terracotta, -550.
Odysseus escaping Polphemus, Tolède, Musée d'art, Coupe attique à figures noires, -530 -520.
A ram carries Odysseus out of the cave of Polyphemos, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, -490 -480.
Omphalos of Delphi, Marbre, -200.
Gruppo di Polifemo, Agesandro , Atenodoro and Polidoro, copy of a Greek Hellenistic original, -100 -26.
Newton's Cenotaph, Etienne-Louis Boullée, 1784.
Bat Kite, Samuel Franklin Cody, 1903.
Frost King, Alexander Graham Bell, 1904.
Vittoriano, Giuseppe Sacconi, 1911.

L'île de Calypso, Georges Méliès, 1905.
Ulisse, Mario Camerini, 1954.
Le Mouton, Pierre Chevalier, 1960.
Ulisse contro Ercole, Mario Caiano, 1962.
The Three Stooges Meet Hercules, Edward Bernds, 1962.
Ubu roi, Jean-Christophe Averty, 1965.
Odissea, Franco Rossi & Mario Brava, 1969.
Flying Sheep, Monty Python's Flying Circus (S01E02, Sex and Violence), Monty Python, 1969.
Plato's allegory of the cave, Dick Oden (voice: Orson Welles), 1973.
Ubu cocu, Jean-Christophe Averty, 1980.
The Belly of an Architect, Peter Greenaway, 1987.
The Odyssey E13, Andreï Kontchalovski, 1997.
Black Sheep, Jonathan King, 2006.
Far from the Madding Crowd, Thomas Vinterberg, 2015.

Shrek the sheep dies, ITN news, 2011.
Baby_Sheep_Born_With_One_Eye, oooo7 HD, 2014.
The_Abandoned_Sheep_Creek_Mine, Exploring Abandoned Mines and Unusual Places, 2014.
Lamb with a human face born in the Republic of Dagestan, ShegerTubes, 2015.
Pet the lamb playing with the dogs, Jemma Mackenzie, 2015.

Interpréter l'art entre art et savoir, Daniel Arasse, 2001.

Shot @ La Chaufferie , HEAR Strasbourg . 06/25/2016.

Paul Jacques Yves Guilbert thanks : Francisco Ruiz de Infante for the invitation. The Cave Team : Mohamed Tayeb Bayri, Audrey Gleizes, Gregory Mc Grew, Claire Serres, Valentine Siboni, Paul Souviron (/Cave). La Chaufferie team and especially Antoine Lejolivet. The Audience.  

Throughtro to Chimes Era #1.1: The benching :
#1 Seal test bench :
#2 Preset bench - Parrallel Lathe w/ a splitted bench:
#3 Insolation bench :